Student Recruitment and Hiring

Resources on this page are intended for those who recruit and hire students.

Updated 11/27/2024

Workday Tip Sheets

Workday Reports and Supplementary Guidance

Additional Workday Resources


Student Job Profile Eligibility for Students Enrolled in a Degree Program
Workday Job Profile Graduate PhD Graduate Non-PhD Undergraduate
Work-Study (must be primary job) (hourly) Yes * Yes * Yes
Student Worker (hourly) Yes ** Yes ** Yes
Educational Fellowship (monthly) Yes Yes No
Pre-Doctoral Trainee (monthly) Yes Yes No
Teaching Assistant (monthly) Yes Yes No
Teaching Fellow *** (monthly) Yes No No
Research Assistant (monthly) Yes Yes No
Research Fellow *** (monthly) Yes No No

* If a graduate student has monthly and work-study positions, work-study must be primary to allow time entry in Workday.

** If a graduate student has monthly and student worker positions (not work-study), the student/department must complete manual timesheets/enter payments as One Time Payment Grad Student Monthly.

*** Teaching Fellow and Research Fellow jobs are only for PhD students performing teaching/research required for their PhD degree program.

Other Resources